How to Enroll

If you are interested in enrolling your children in our public cyber school, CPDLF team members will help you every step of the way. 

Step 1: Contact us! (If you aren't fully convinced, we'll help you identify if cyber is right for your child.)

    1. Fill out a request for information - we call you 

    2. Give us a call! 814-682-5258

    3. Email us:

              We are happy to answer any questions you have! 

 Step 2: A CPDLF team member will get you started in our registration portal. 

      • You will need:

        • Child's birth certificate

        • Proof of residency

        • Child's immunization record

        • Parent/guardian driver's license

      • Complete all forms as directed. 

Step 3: A CPDLF team member will give you an enrollment session date. 

    1. PSST! We enroll new students every week! Once your part is complete, give our team just a few business days to process paperwork and we will get you in an enrollment session. 

    2. Questions on what an enrollment session looks like? Click here!

Step 4: Attend your enrollment session

    1. Once you attend your enrollment session, CONGRATULATIONS! Your child is enrolled - let the learning begin!