Senior Shoutout ~ CPDLF Class of 2020 Honor Student Alesca Cooper


Alesca Cooper 

CPDLF Class of 2020 

Honor Student


Alesca Cooper  is a CPDLF class of 2020 senior and has been a learner with us for the past year. She is the daughter of Shana and Tim Grove of Altoona, PA.  In the fall, Alesca is going to attend Lock Haven University with plans to get her Bachelors of Science as a Registered Nurse. 


Why do you think a cyber school option was best for you?

I found that cyber was the best option for me because it allowed me to go to school and go to work at the same time. This allowed me to save money and I was also able to travel with my family!.”

How was your learning guide beneficial to your success at CPDLF?


My learning guide Ms. Dikum has helped me so much throughout this year. She was always there to answer any questions or concerns that I had, motivated me to do my best, and even gave me advice about my future endeavors!



If you could talk about a misconception about cyber school what would it be?

A misconception about cyber school is that it is for students to take the easy way out. In public school you go to a building and stay there until the school day is over. In cyber school you have to be able to tell yourself that you are going to do so many assignments one day and use your time wisely.

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at CPDLF?

I think a misconception about cyber school is that students that attend aren't as hardworking or tend to slack off more, when that's not the case. This past year in cyber I was pushed to do my best and being with CPDLF has improved my self-motivation.