"How Can My Child Learn Without A Teacher in the Same Room?" - Part 1 of 5

When people think about education, they often imagine a traditional classroom—rows of desks, a teacher at the front, and students attentively (or not) following along. This vision shapes the common belief that children need to be physically present in a classroom with a teacher to stay focused and succeed. For some, the idea of cyber school raises concerns: "How can my child learn without a teacher in the same room?"

At the Central Pennsylvania Digital Learning Foundation (CPDLF), we hear this question often. As a virtual public K-12 school, we understand that this myth stems from traditional views of education. However, cyber school can be a transformative experience, fostering skills like self-direction, academic tenacity, and curiosity.

NOTE: We're going to break this blog into multiple pieces because it's a lot! There are so many things happening behind the scenes to help students be successful that it can be overwhelming to process how different CPDLF is from brick-and-mortar school. Check back in for additional parts that tell the full story of how our Learners (our name for "students") stay focused.

Personalized Support Systems: Learning Guides
At CPDLF, we understand that every learner is unique. This is why we provide each student with a dedicated Learning Guide—a role similar to a personalized guidance counselor but designed for the unique demands of online education. Learning Guides are not just advisors; they are mentors who:

  • Meet with students individually to discuss goals, challenges, and strategies for success.

  • Facilitate group sessions to build crucial skills like self-direction, time management, and academic tenacity.

  • Monitor progress and provide actionable feedback, ensuring that learners stay on track and motivated.

Through these interactions, Learners learn to take ownership of their education. They’re not just completing assignments; they’re setting goals, developing curiosity, and fostering a growth mindset. By building these foundational skills, Learning Guides help CPDLF Learners thrive in the cyber school environment.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we explore the critical role of parents and guardians as Learning Coaches.