CPDLF Curriculum
We want the best for our students. This means that we’re rigorous – cyber school is different from brick-and-mortar school, but it’s not “easy.” We ensure you meet the Statewide High School Graduation Requirements and your personal future goals. We also empower you by providing the relationships and opportunities you need to learn and grow to become career- or college-ready.
Our curriculum is developed to ensure you demonstrate the skills, habits, and knowledge to be successful in the future. This means that everyone at CPDLF is committed to three important principles for your education:
1. Connect
This is a personalized experience where you and your parents or guardians are connected and interacting with your instructors and learning guides so that everyone is working as a team to support you. We expect you to connect with us every school day, just like any other school.
Students that excel in connecting with their learning team demonstrate better:
- Attachment
- Stress-Management
- Self-Regulation
- Self-Awareness
- Empathy & Relationship Skills
- Executive Function
2. Engage
This is a different way of learning – and not just because it happens online! You’re actively involved in your own path of learning! How many students get to say that beyond selecting courses for the next school year? If you have a special passion, we’ll explore ways to incorporate that into your education.
We want you to have a meaningful experience that positively contributes to your future goals. We’ll give you the tools to do that. They include:
- Growth Mindset
- Self-Efficacy
- Sense of Belonging
- Relevance of Learning
3. Empower
We equip you not just with technology but also relationships and opportunities to meet in person to help you learn and grow. There will be hard work along the way, but together we can achieve great things!
Empowered students are also:
- Self-Directed
- Curious
- Purposeful
- Resilient
- Full of Agency
- Academically Tenacious

All of these traits are what we refer to as the 16 Habits of Success: the mindsets and behaviors that support academic achievement and well-being. We believe they are important to develop so that your future life has a firm foundation. There’s no one CPDLF class that teaches all of this. You’ll learn these things along the way, whether it’s in Language Arts, Algebra, Physics, or something new, like Robotics or Dance.
Ready to talk about your opportunities at CPDLF? Click the button below to request more information and start the conversation about enrolling at CPDLF.